I am very happy to open this website with this first blog entry/newsletter! It marks the start of this website as an online exchange platform for everyone who is interested and everyone who wants to participate in my doctoral research project on lived language experience.
I am Sandra Radinger and am a researcher at the University of Vienna. In this project, we are investigating lived language experience together. We explore the link between language and ‚good life‘, and how understanding is possible in a world of linguistic diversity and interaction across national boundaries. Of particular interest: Is having the same language in our repertoires already sharing ‚a language‘?
In this blog you will receive the latest news on the project and will be informed about participations options. Additionally, you have the option of making your own contribution to this blog, if you participate.
In August, we will start our first enquiry: A survey in which you can share your own lived language experience (a memory, an experience, some thoughts that have to do with language). The survey is available in several languages. If you want, we will meet (online) after the survey to explore your story together.
Don’t miss the link to the survey – subscribe to the newsletter here!
In my next entry, I will provide you with insight into how we try to capture your/our lived language experience and how we work together to explore it.
Until then, enjoy browsing through the website. If you have any feedback for me, I’d be very glad to read it!
Until soon,